Friday, 16 January 2015

January 12-16 Weekly Overview

Happy Friday!

I hope that everyone had a great week. We certainly had a very busy week in Room 3.

A few things to note:

Marlie's Game Field Trip:
As of the end of today, we are still awaiting for one permission form to come in. Once that comes in, I will draw out 5 parent volunteers for our upcoming field trip to the Marlie's Game. I will notify each parent that gets drawn on Monday.
It's so nice to see so many parents interested in volunteering, but unfortunately we can only take 5. Please note that we will be having more field trips in the near future, therefore if you do not get a chance to come to the Marlie's game, I will definitely ensure that you make it to at least one of our field trips.

Next Friday is a P.A. day

Please continue to read with your child each and every night.

In Language this week students worked on their creative writing stories, and on our inferring unit on Respect, Responsibility and Stewardship. We focused on responsibility this week and discussed its definition, provided examples and non-examples from our lives, and made some connections to some texts that we have read. We also started Reader's Theatre for one group, we had our usual independent and partner reading, in addition to Reading Buddies with Ms. Alexiou's Grade 3/4 class.

Creative Writing: Completing Snow Globe prompt

Concept Chart on Responsibility

Helena reading to the class

Evie using the dictionary to find an unknown word from the book Helena read to us

Poem of the Week

Monday Morning Message

Partner Reading

Reading Buddies

Reading Buddies

We have been working on Data Management and learned about tallies, bar graphs and pictographs this week. Each morning we start our day with a math question on the whiteboard and students answer it using post-it notes. This week we had whole class, shared, and partner lessons in math.
In order to learn about pictographs we had a whole class tasting of apples. Each student tried a red, yellow and green apple and then informed everyone which one was their favourite. We completed a class tally all together and from there we graphed our results. We learned about the criteria that is required to make graphs: title, key, labels, and scale.
Students got to work in partners to create two different types of graphs: the first was a bar graph, and the second was a survey question and tally for their pictograph. The actual pictographs will be created next week. So far this has been a really fun unit and students are taking a liking to it and understanding the concepts.

Morning math question

Shared math: Popsicle sticks were used to draw student names to come up 







Tasting apples to see which one is our favourite

Hmmm which one will be the winner?

Apple tasting 

Tally complete and pictograph created: Yellow is the winner!

Tallies with partners

Completing surveys

Choosing a survey question and collecting data

Collecting Data

Grade 1 students are creating sanctuaries in partners for their unit on the needs of plants and animals.

Grade 2 students learned about air this week. In the pictures below you will see one lesson whereby students worked in partners to read and create a chart that illustrates and explains the importance of air and water for plants, animals, and humans.

Creating charts in pairs on the important uses of air and water for plants, animals and humans

Social Studies:
In Social Studies we talked about celebrations that we celebrate. Students drew and wrote about one family celebration that they have at home. We also looked at some big celebrations around the world. Afterwards, we looked at the different places that our parents/grandparents came from.
Next week a booklet will be sent home for homework that asks students to interview a family member and create a family tree.
Today we looked at the world map and looked at the different countries that our relatives came from to make up our community. We will complete each student next week.

Some pictures from Show & Share and recess:

Alex's Show & Share

Helena's Show & Share

Maya's Show & Share

Recess fun!



Alexandros taking a shot!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and we'll see you next week!

Ms. Nikoletopoulos