Dear Parents & Guardians of Grade 1/2
I hope
you have all had a great summer and are ready to kick off your child’s first
year in Grade 1/2.
Please read through this letter and all of the
other supporting documents for details about how we are going to be doing
things in Grade 1/2
Attached you fill find our class schedule. Please
look it over and discuss it with your child.
Our Library book exchange is scheduled for the
afternoon of Day 1. We will be using this time to exchange books, learn
library/research skills, and work on the Smart Board.
Day 1 and 4. Taught by Mr. Cuthberson (Students are required to have indoor
shoes to take part in Physical Education).
Music: Day 3. Taught
by Ms. Preketes
Dance/Drama: Day 3 and Day
5 Taught by Mrs. Freris
Library: Day 2
Computer Lab: Day 2
Book Exchange: Day 1
(Red Folder):
Homework is sent home on Mondays and is due back
on Fridays. Typically there is one sheet for each day of the week therefore
students should essentially be completing only one sheet per day. If there
isn’t anything in the red folder, the homework for the week is to practice
reading and the poem of the week (discussed on the heading below).
The purpose of homework is not to tire students
and make them feel that it is tedious, but more so to reinforce classroom
learning, open communication between you and your child about school, and teach
The best homework for Grade 1/2 students is to
practice reading daily and to think of math in a practical way that makes sense
to them in their everyday lives.
You can help by counting with your children,
discussing time, money, shapes (anything that they may encounter through their
everyday lives).
Attached is a sheet on reading strategies
that you can use when reading with your children and alphabet sounds that you
can practice with them.
Poem of
the week (Folder): Orange duotang folder
This is your child’s Class Poems of the week
folder. In it you will find the poem of the week to read and/or sing. Please
check it every day, so that you may review the new work with your child. When
chanting or singing, children have many opportunities to practice reading in a
non-threatening environment. At the early stages of reading development,
children benefit from repeated readings of material, so try to read the poems
together several times. If your child is having difficulty with a particular
poem or song, you can join in or read it to them. Keep it enjoyable!
Different poems will be added weekly.
Exchange (Sheet attached to the red folder):
In order to help your child read more
independently, it is important that a time be set aside each night for Reading
with the Book Exchange program. This is a program that encourages your child to
share with you. It involves reading to your child, listening to him/her read,
or a mixture of both.
After your child has read a book, simply record
the date, title of the book, and sign your initials. To help encourage your
child to read at home, he/she will be able to select a prize from the prize box
every time they read TWENTY books.
Please note that a new book does not need to be
read each night. Revisiting a favourite book is an important step in learning
to read. Each revisit should be recorded and will count towards the reward.
Therefore the book exchange can either occur daily, or every few days. It is up
to the child to decide if they will exchange their book, or read it again.
However, you can help with this process by signing the log sheet and ensuring
that they are reading their chosen books.
Folder (Clear Folder):
This folder should be brought to school every day
as many notices, forms, newsletters and other documents are sent home
throughout the school year. Please review the communication folder with you
child every evening. In addition, any form of communication that you would like
to have with me via a note/letter can be placed in the communication folder as
I check this daily.
Clear Plastic Tote:
This bag contains all of your child’s duo-tangs,
folders, and more. Please check it daily and ensure that it gets returned the
next morning so that your child can be as organized as possible throughout the
school year.
We put a lot of effort into becoming as
independent and responsible as possible. This means that your child is expected
to unpack and pack his/her own book bag and the contents of the bag, daily.
Book Orders:
Scholastic book order forms will be sent home once
a month. No purchase is required. If you choose to participate, the book orders
will have a due date on them. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for
your cooperation. It is important that we all work together to help our
children learn, succeed and be the best that they can be.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
(A class blog is in the works)